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5 Reasons To Install Polished Concrete Floors

5 Reasons To Install Polished Concrete Floors

You can have it all.

Polished concrete is a simple and popular flooring solution that has many benefits. Whether you want to satisfy your minimalist design aspirations or ensure the strongest floors for an industrial warehouse, this cost-efficient flooring solution will work perfectly!

What is Polished Concrete?

Polished concrete is not just for show; it's an investment that will last you years. The surface can be left as-is or stained to create different hues, making this type of flooring perfect if your home needs some extra color! Polished concrete floors are easy to clean and maintain. The surface of the material is ground down with diamond abrasives, creating a smooth finish that can be left as-is after sealing, or stained. Here are a few key reasons why you might want a polished concrete floor:

Polished Concrete is as strong as it is beautiful!

What Polished Concrete Can Do For You

Reason One: Beauty & Elegance

Want to add some class and spice up your space? Polished concrete is the perfect solution! It's not just about its sleek look either; polished floors offer endless possibilities when it comes in colors or stains. With so many styles available, you can't go wrong with this versatile surface that won't wear down quickly, like other materials might.

Reason Two: Strong, Heavy Duty

Polished concrete floors are perfect for warehouses because they're durable and can handle heavy traffic. They also don't get scratched or stained easily, so your polishing efforts will go wasted if you use them in a place with high-contact activities like an industrial production line! Our article on polished concrete's utility goes into more detail for its many benefits in an industrial warehouse.

Reason Three: Easy Care & Maintenance

Polished concrete is a beautiful and durable flooring material that requires little maintenance. Unlike other types of carpet or tile, it's easy to clean with just water and a mild cleanser! You can even sweep your polished floors instead if you want—their resistance to stains makes deep cleans less frequent.

Reason Four: Affordable to Install & Keep

Polished concrete floors are not just for beauty; they also provide a cost-effective and easy solution to your flooring needs. You'll save money on cleaning, because this type of surface requires less attention than other options like carpet or tile! They're also typically cheaper to install in the first place, especially if you already have an existing unpolished concrete floor.

Reason Five: Fit for Any Space

The design possibilities for polished concrete are vast and diverse. Whether you have a minimalist design vision, or want a dark rich finish, or even a company logo, it can do it all. This versatile material can be used anywhere from business offices & warehouses, even in your home!

Make Money Installing Polished Concrete!

Learn about the benefits of polished concrete contracting!

Interested in a new career? Consider joining the ever-growing industry of polished concrete experts! With its versatility, this job has endless opportunities. You can learn how to install it or become an expert at marketing your services. We teach it all at our Polished Concrete University, a 5 day course that will teach you everything needed to succeed (including installation). Our experienced instructors have been professionally trained and certified, and they want nothing more than see their students succeed.


You'll be hard-pressed to find a floor that can compare with the beauty and convenience of polished concrete. This article is just scratching the surface, but when you have a polished concrete floor installed, you'll discover new things to love all the time!

Looking to have polished concrete installed, or advice on how to install it yourself? Our specialists are only a phone call away at (954) 228-8856! For bulk buys, restocking your kit or any DIY needs, our EpoxyETC store can fulfill your needs.


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