In the world of traditional flooring alternatives, stained concrete is a perfect pairing of durability and functionality. Using a Kemiko Stain and Seal kit, you can create a stunning floor fit for anything that you throw at it.
Why Concrete?
Concrete is an incredibly versatile material that can fill the need of practically any situation. It is perfect for warehouses and industrial facilities, as well as fitting perfectly in a modern residential space. It is extremely durable, resistant to chemicals, scratches, and heavy machinery.
In comparison to other flooring solutions, concrete is one of the only materials that gets stronger over time. Most flooring will age and deteriorate as time goes on, but concrete only becomes more dense and durable with that passing time. This makes a concrete surface the perfect long-term flooring solution.
In addition to its longevity and durability, concrete floors are an incredibly economic option. A sustainable concrete building can yield life cycle savings of more than 20% of total construction cost. Much of the savings come from concrete thermal properties. Concrete can harvest natural energy sources as the sun, and can also capture thermal energy from lighting fixtures and other equipment in the building. This can lead to incredible cost savings for the owner.
Not only are concrete floors both incredibly versatile and cost effective, they are also incredibly safe building materials. Due to its chemical composition, concrete surfaces will not burn or feed rot and mildew. Additionally, it does not off-gas any volatile compounds which in turn leads to excellent air quality. It also gives added protection against earthquakes and severe weather.
How To Stain?
When it comes to coating concrete in a decorative stain, the process can be broken down into multiple steps. These are:
- Clean the floor
- Stain the floor
- Scrub the floor
- Seal the floor
Four easy steps to a beautifully finished concrete surface!
Clean The Floor
Cleaning the floor, with any decorative coating like concrete stain or epoxy, is the most critical step in ensuring a successful application. Applying any coating over a dirty, contaminated floor will only lead to disaster. Thankfully, this process is very simple but extremely effective.
Using a basic all-purpose cleaner, like Kemiko Neutra-Clean, you will be able to fully rid the floor of all grease, gunk, build-up, and dirt. Simply dilute the cleaning solution 9 parts water to 1 part solution. This ratio can be altered slightly in response to the level of dirt and grime on the floor. It is good practice to not go below 8 parts water or above 10 parts water per each part of solution.
Once the solution is diluted to fit the surface scenario, the product can be applied by a manual scrubber or a low-speed floor machine. Simply scrub the entire surface with the all-purpose cleaner, being sure to focus on heavy grime areas. Once the floor is clean, be sure to mop up all excess product with a mop or a microfiber towel.
PRO TIP: Do NOT let the Kemiko Neutra-Clean dry onto the concrete surface. This will ruin the surface preparation and cause you to redo this crucial step.
Stain The Floor
Now that the floor is fully prepped and cleaned, it is time to apply the Kemiko Stone Stain, which is an extremely easy process. Firstly, mix equal parts Kemiko Stone Stain and water into a plastic hose-end garden pump sprayer. Using a pump-up sprayer is the most effective way to get an even application of the stain.
After the solution is mixed and diluted properly, spray the solution in even passes 18 inches above the surface. The floor should be fully coated with the solution yet there should be no puddling of the solution. This will lead to a drastic unevenness of color payoff.

Once applied, the solution will likely begin to fizz and bubble, yet this is no cause for concern as this is caused by the reaction and bonding of the chemical stain to the concrete. Allow the first layer of stain to dry completely, which can take up to a few hours depending on weather conditions like temperature and humidity.
After the first layer of stain has dried completely, dilute a new set of stain or use any leftover, and apply a second full layer to the surface. This will fill in any patchy spots that you may have missed during the initial application.
Scrub The Floor
After the second coat of stain has dried fully, scrubbing the floor is essential to removing residue that is left over from the coating application. Using a stiff bristle brush and Kemiko Neutra-Clean diluted 10-1, scrub the floor thoroughly, from back to front. Scrubbing the floor with Neutra-Clean after it has been stained will not affect the surface or the color payoff; it is essentially only removing all of the excess residue that will negatively affect the surface if left on. Using the same techniques as the initial cleaning, wipe up excess solution with a mop and be sure not to let the cleaner dry on the surface.

After scrubbing the floor with a stiff bristle brush, take a clean towel and wipe a section of the floor and determine if any color payoff is on the towel. If not, you are set to move onto the sealing section of the process. If there is any color on the towel after wiping, scrub the surface again with more cleaner to ensure that all of the residue is removed.
Sealing the Floor
Sealing the floor is the final step in creating your beautifully finished decorative surface. Deciding which type of surface shine you want will determine which kind of sealer you choose to put on your coating. We recommend Kemiko Stone coat Sealer II which is an industry standard. Buff on wax or acrylic sealer is good for most interior surfaces as well.
Like the stain application, sealer is applied the exact same way. Using a plastic hose-end garden sprayer, apply the first layer of sealer 18 inches above the surface. Be sure to not let the sealer puddle on the floor, yet be sure to cover the surface completely.
After the first layer has been applied and fully cured, redo the process and apply a second coat to fully seal the underlying layers. Once the second layer has been applied, wait a full 24 hours before walking, driving, or moving on the surface. This will give ample time for all layers to dry and cure, which will eliminate the chances of ruining the surface.
There you have it, a fully finished, beautifully functional stained floor that will handle anything that you can throw at it. If you have any questions about products, application techniques, or anything else, feel free to reach out to one of our specialists day or night at (954)-799-6359.