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5 Ways Epoxy Floors Get Ruined (2021)

5 Ways Epoxy Floors Get Ruined (2021)

Epoxy floors are very popular because they are long lasting, easy to maintain, and having many attractive aesthetic options. While epoxy is fairly easy to install and maintain, there are ways to ruin epoxy flooring before, during, and after installation. To help avoid the major mistakes that can happen, we have laid out what can ruin a floor. 

Not Properly Prepping The Floors

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not prepping your flooring correctly. Leaving stains on the concrete, or cracks and divots unfilled, will lead to issues with the appearance of your epoxy floor. Also, if your concrete is new, it is important it has had time to completely cure before installing epoxy. To avoid these mistakes, be sure to take the time you need to get the prep work done right, so that your hard work will not be ruined.

Installing in Too Low or Too High Humidity

Before installing your epoxy, be sure to check the guidelines in the manufacturer’s instructions for how humid it can be. High humidity can elongate the time it takes the epoxy to cure, and possibly even make epoxy not cure properly.

Incorrectly Mixing Epoxy

One of the most important aspects of epoxy installation is ensuring that the epoxy has been properly mixed. Mixing epoxy incorrectly can cause it to not cure properly. The instructions will let you know what ratio to use and how long to mix the epoxy. It is better to weigh the epoxy parts to get an accurate mix.

Scratching the Surface

Once your epoxy has been installed and cured, you will inevitably have to sweep and mop the floor. Using brooms and mops that are too abrasive can cause scratches in the epoxy surface. Use a soft bristle broom or blue commercial dust mop. To mop the floor, use a foam mop head.

Using the Wrong Cleaners

Using soapy or abrasive cleaners can cause your epoxy finish to begin to look cloudy. Use something like Simple Green to keep your floor looking its best. If you begin to notice a build up on your floor, you can use a mixture of one gallon of hot water to 4 ounces of clear ammonia. Do this treatment sparingly.


We hope that this article sheds some light on some of the problems that can arise when it comes to applying epoxy. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to any of our specialists. 

If you have any questions about application techniques or the products needed to create floors like this, feel free to reach out to any of our epoxy specialists at (954)-799-6359.


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