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Epoxy Flooring: Innovations and Trends (2023)

Epoxy Flooring: Innovations and Trends (2023)

Gain a Competitive Edge in the Flooring Industry!

In the fast-paced world of epoxy flooring, awareness of the latest innovations is crucial for any business' success. Over the years, the epoxy industry has seen a non-stop stream of innovations and trends. In this blog post, we'll cover just a few of the most exciting trends. Read on to find your next project's inspiration; from advanced materials, to sustainability practices, and exciting design possibilities!

At EpoxyETC, we are committed to providing you with the information and tools you need to thrive. Whether it's through our blogs or our partner Epoxy Classes' comprehensive 5-day epoxy flooring certification program, we want to support your success!

Discover the Latest Epoxy Innovations

An image of an epoxy flooring contractor installing a Sol-Gel resin solution.

1 | Sol-Gel Technology

One of the most groundbreaking innovations in epoxy resins is the emergence of Sol-Gel technology. Of all chemical flooring processes, Nukote's cutting-edge Sol-Gel resin alternative stands out. The material's remarkable feature is its rapid curing time balanced with incredible strength. Sol-Gel allows for quicker installations and minimizes downtime, with an even hardier result than traditional epoxy.

Sol-Gel solutions, namely RockHard's T200 line, finish as a stunning glass-like surface in a fraction of the time compared to even polyaspartic resins. And by fraction, we mean fraction. Within an hour, you'll start to see the curing take place. This does mean, however, you'll need to be even quicker and more efficient on the job site when you use it. Also, Sol-Gel can generally be installed with less grinding on average, which will massively reduce labor time and costs.

Moreover, Sol-Gel tests highly in areas of strength and resistance, beating even conventional epoxy resins. Its ability to withstand harsh environments makes it an ideal choice for industrial settings. It's already installed on a few of the harshest of airplane hangars, tested against the harshest of corrosive liquids! Contractors and clients will love the longevity and durability provided of Sol-Gel.

2 | Empowered DIY Epoxy Enthusiasts

The days of epoxy flooring being the realm of contractors and professionals are gone. In any DIY project, epoxy resin is a staple in the toolkit of homeowners and enthusiasts. It's affordable, incredibly easy to use, and versatile. Once you've used epoxy in one project, you'll want to use it in every project.

At EpoxyETC, we understand the significance of empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful DIY epoxy projects. But you need more than just knowledge; you need epoxy, too! That's why we've designed resource and material packages built just for your needs.

3 | Embrace Green and Sustainable Epoxy Solutions

Eco-consciousness is a shared value across industries nowadays, and flooring is no exception. In recent years, the focus on green has led to the creation of eco-friendly resin & flooring solutions that minimize environmental impact. And they don't sacrifice any quality for it, either! Forward-thinking contractors can easily market their services as both visually stunning, and environmentally conscious.

Green epoxy solutions focus mainly on reducing volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, promoting healthier indoor and outdoor environments. Particularly in residential and commercial spaces. And it's not just the Earth that'll be thanking you; these VOC-heavy solutions tend to come with an overwhelming smell that can put an office out of commission during renovations.

Go green, and you'll see more benefits than you'd expect!


The future of epoxy flooring is an exciting one. The horizon of our industry is driven by forward-thinking innovators, from the DIY enthusiasts, to the brilliant chemists behind Sol-Gel. And with the focus on green solutions, our industry is becoming even more sustainable, too! As a flooring contractor, embracing these advancements is essential. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and you'll find a strong foundation for your future success. Allow epoxy's innovations to guide your next flooring project!

Stay Informed with EpoxyETC

For real-time updates on the latest epoxy innovations, follow our blog here at EpoxyETC! If you need on-the-job assistance, our team of specialists is readily available at (954)-799-6359. Additionally, explore our online store, EpoxyETC, for the latest professional and DIY epoxy resources at competitive prices.


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